Website Help
How to create a new Investment
Step 1: Log in to Weblow
Step 2: Navigate to Collections
Step 3: Select the Investments Collection
Step 4: Create a new entry in the Investments collection
Step 5: Enter the content for the new Investment
Step 6: Save the new Investment entry
Step 7: Publish the new Investment entry
Option: Delete an Investment entry
More Information: Visit Webflow University
Step 1: Log in to Weblow
Make sure you have your Webflow Username and Password at hand. If you've never used Webflow before you will need to be invited to access the site — contact the site Administrator for help with this.
You can access the Webflow login page for this site here:
Step 2: Navigate to Collections
When you login to Webflow, you'll see a menu along the bottom of the screen with links to Pages, Collections and Forms.
The Investment pages are stored in a Collection.
Click on the Collections button to view all the Collections for this site.
Step 3: Select the Investments Collection
Under Collections you will see a list of all the collections for this site. Collections are like databases, each collection stores one or more entries that are related to one another.
For example, the Foundations collection contains one entry for each of the organisations supported by the Forster Family Foundation. Investments contains one entry for each of the investments listed on the site.
Click the Investments link to view a list of all current Investments.
Step 4: Create a new entry in the Investments collection
Under Investments you will see a list of all the investments listed on the site.
You can sort this list by clicking on the headings (Name, Created etc…). You can also search this list by tying in the Search field.
To create a new Investment entry, click the + New Investment button.
Step 5: Enter the content for the new Investment
After you click the + New Investment button you will see a screen with the form below.
Enter the content for the new investment using this form. Not all the fields are mandatory — required fields are indicated with a red asterisk.
Each field includes instructions to help you complete that field correctly.
Content entry tips:
Gallery Images: If you add more than one image to the Gallery, the website will automatically display the images as a slideshow. The galleries support up to 25 images, but I recommend you limit the number of images to 5. You can add captions to the slide show images by entering text in the Gallery Image Caption fields.
Investment Logos: when logos are used as the thumbnail image they may sometimes not display correctly on the Featured Investments page. Logos that are very wide generally don't look right. In this case, select the Fix Thumbnail Fit option, this will improve the thumbnail cropping for this image.
Thumbnail Background Colour: when logos are used as the thumbnail image you may need to change the background colour of the thumbnail to match the logos background colour. You can select a colour in the Thumbnail Background Colour field by clicking on the water-drop icon and selecting a colour from the palette.
Show Sold Banner: selecting the Show Sold Banner option adds a banner to the thumbnail image on the Featured Investments page. The text on this banner can customised using the Sold Out Banner Text field.
Step 6: Save the new Investment entry
After you've entered all the required information, click the CREATE button. This will save your entry and change its status to Staged for Publish. This new entry will appear on the website as soon as the PUBLISH button is clicked.
Alternatively, you can click the drop-down menu next to the Create button and choose one of the following options:
Publish: This will publish the entry to the live site immediately.
Save as draft: This save the entry as a draft. It will not be published until you select the Publish option (see Step 7).
Schedule: This will save the entry and prompt you to select a date and time for the entry to be automatically published.
Step 7: Publish the new Investment entry
Once your entry has the status Staged for Publish it will be published to the live site when blue PUBLISH button is clicked.
Option: Delete an Investment entry
You can delete one or more entries from the Investments collection. First click the SELECT button, then tick the entries you want to delete before clicking the red DELETE button.
More Information: Visit Webflow University
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